Editorial Team


U.M.Turdialiev is a Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Responsible Editor:

U.A.Madrakhimov - Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Editorial Board

Negmatov Soyibjon Sodikovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of ASRUz (TSTU);

Abralov Mahmud Abralovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TSTU);

Dunyashin Nikolay Sergeevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TSTU);

Norkhudzhaev Fayzulla Ramazanovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TSTU);

Pirmatov Nurali Berdyarovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TUIT);

Salikhanov Dilnoza Saidakbarovna – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (ASRUz);

Siddikov Ilkhom Khamidovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (TUIT);

Fayzimatov Shukhrat Numanovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (FrPI);

Khakimov Ortikali Sharipovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Scientific Research Institute of Standardization, Certification and Technical Regulation);

Khudoiberdiev Talibjon Solievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Andijan branch of TSAU);

Khodjaev Ismatillo Koshievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Institute of Mechanics);

Ipatov Oleg Sergeevich – Professor (St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia);

Naumkin Nikolay Ivanovich - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor. (Mordovian National Research State University, Russia);

Sukhrob Raimjonovich Aliyev – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor (AndMI);

Shen Zhili – Professor (North China University of Technology, China);

Hu Fuwen – Professor (North China University of Technology, China);

Won Cheolen – Professor (National Research Foundation of South Korea, South Korea);

Celio Pina – Professor (Polytechnic University of Setubala, Portugal);

Ricardo Baptista – Processor (Polytechnic University of Setubala, Portugal);

Ruy Vilela – Processor (Polytechnic University of Setubala, Portugal);

Konovalov Dmitry Albertovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State Technical University);

Mukhametshin Vyacheslav Sharifullovich - Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution (Oktyabrsky branch), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor.

Alexey G. Nimchik - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor (Almalyk branch of TSTU)

Muftaidinov Giyamiddin – Doctor of Economics, Professor (AndMI);

Sotvoldiev Abdulaziz Abdumominovich – Doctor of Economics, Professor (AndMI);

Zakirov Saidfozil - I.F.D., (Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research);

Orazimbetova Gulistan Dzhaksilikovna – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (AndMI)

Zhorakhonov Muzaffar Eskanderovich – Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences (AndMI);

Akmaljon Ermatov – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (AndMI);

Karimjon Kasimov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (AndMI);

Yusupova Malikakhan – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (AndMI);

Akbarov Khatamjon Ulmasalievich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (AndMI);

Otabek Mirzaev – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), (AndMI);

Oktam Kamolovich Rakhmanov – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Technical Sciences (TSTU, Almalyk branch);

Khoshimov Halimjon Khamidzhanovich – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Technical Sciences, (AndMI).

Kuluyev Ruslan Raisovich – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Technical Sciences (TSTU).

Technical Editor:

B.N.Nabiev - Publishing House of the Andijan Machine-building Institute