
  • Алишер Давиров Автор
  • Humoyun Mamadiev Автор

Ключевые слова:

Energy, active loss, criteria, voltage


The article considers the criteria for the existence of established modes of power systems. Nonlinear nodal equations of steady-state modes are presented, which have many solutions or do not have any physically realizable solutions. Criteria for the existence of solutions based on derivatives of power losses depending on the parameters of the power system modes are given. Shown: equivalent circuit of the electrical system of the South-Western MEN (MAIN ELECTRIC NETWORKS); results of calculations of steady-state modes of the electrical system at weighted values of node 12. The maximum normal modes of electrical systems for the power of nodes determined by the criteria are set 

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

CRITERIA FOR THE EXISTENCE OF ESTABLISHED MODES OF POWER SYSTEMS. (2024). Научно-технический журнал «Машиностроение», 4, 77-83.

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